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 Spoiler du set DP 3 : Shining Darkness (en anglais)

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Grand Seigneur Sith

Nombre de messages : 307
Age : 47
Localisation : Goudaland-Picardyland
Date d'inscription : 24/06/2005

Spoiler du set DP 3 : Shining Darkness (en anglais) Empty
MessageSujet: Spoiler du set DP 3 : Shining Darkness (en anglais)   Spoiler du set DP 3 : Shining Darkness (en anglais) Icon_minitimeVen 31 Aoû - 16:31

Spoiler de l'extension DP3 traduite par Bangiras issue de Pokegym.net

Bulbasaur L.14 – Grass – HP60
Basic Pokemon

[.] Vine Shake: The Defending Pokemon is now Asleep.
[G][C] Bullet Seed: Flip 4 coins, this attack does 10 damage x the number of heads.

Weakness: Fire (+10)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

Ivysaur L.24 – Grass – HP80
Stage 1 – Evolves from Bulbasaur

[G][C] Leech Seed: 20 damage. Remove 1 damage counter from Ivysaur.
[G][G][C] Razor Leaf: 60 damage.

Weakness: Fire (+20)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 2

Venusaur L.51 – Grass – HP130
Stage 2 – Evolves from Ivysaur

Poke-Power: Miracle Aroma
You can use this Power once during your turn. Flip a coin, if heads 1 of your opponent’s Active Pokemon is now Poisoned, Burned, or Asleep. This Power can’t be used if this Pokemon is affected by a Special Condition.

[G][G][C] Giant Bloom: 60 damage. Flip a coin, if heads remove 4 damage counters from Venusaur.

Weakness: Fire (+30)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 3

Venonat L.25 – Grass – HP50
Basic Pokemon

[C] Stun Spore: Flip a coin, if heads the Defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed.
[G] Signal Beam: 10 damage. Flip a coin, if heads the Defending Pokemon is now Confused.

Weakness: Fire (+10)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

Venomoth L.42 – Grass – HP80
Stage 1 – Evolves from Venonat

Poke-Body: Dangerous Pollen
If this Pokemon is your Active Pokemon and is damaged by an opponent’s attack (even if its HP is reduced to 0), the attacking Pokemon is now Poisoned and Asleep.

[G][G] Chaotic Flight: 50 damage. Prevent all effects of attacks, except damage, done to Venomoth during your opponent’s next turn.

Weakness: Fire (+20)
Resistance: Fighting (-20)
Retreat: 1

Pinsir L.30 – Grass – HP80
Basic Pokemon

[G] Pinch Grip: 20 damage. The Defending Pokemon can’t retreat during your opponent’s next turn.
[G][C][C] Power Guillotine: 100 damage. Flip 2 coins, if even 1 is tails this attack’s base damage becomes 10 instead of 100.

Weakness: Fire (+20)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

Hoppip L.7 – Grass – HP30
Basic Pokemon

Poke-Body: Cotton Grass
If this Pokemon has any Grass Energy attached to it, this Pokemon’s Retreat cost is 0.

[G] Hopping Heal: 10 damage. Remove all Special Conditions from Hoppip.

Weakness: Fire (+10)
Resistance: Fighting (-20)
Retreat: 1

Skiploom L.20 – Grass – HP60
Stage 1 – Evolves from Hoppip

Poke-Body: Cotton Balloon
If this Pokemon has any Grass Energy attached to it, whenever this Pokemon is damaged by an attack from your opponent’s Evolved Pokemon, the base damage of the attack is reduced by 20.

[G] U-Turn: 20 damage. Switch Skiploom with 1 of your Benched Pokemon.

Weakness: Fire (+20)
Resistance: Fighting (-20)
Retreat: 0

Jumpluff L.42 – Grass – HP90
Stage 2 – Evolves from Skiploom

Poke-Body: Cotton Spore
When this Pokemon takes damage from an opponent’s attack, the owner of this Pokemon flips a coin. If heads, this Pokemon takes no damage.

[G][G] Cotton Punch: Flip 2 coins, this attack does 30 damage to 1 of your opponent’s Pokemon x the number of heads.

Weakness: Fire (+30)
Resistance: Fighting (-20)
Retreat: 0

Sunkern L.10 – Grass – HP40
Basic Pokemon

[C] Sunbathe: Flip a coin, if heads remove all damage counters from Sunkern, search your deck for an Evolution card that evolves from Sunkern, and play it on top of Sunkern (this counts as Evolving Sunkern). Shuffle your deck afterward.
[L] Seed Bomb: 20 damage.

Weakness: Fire (+10)
Resistance: Water (-20)
Retreat: 1

Sunflora L.35 – Grass – HP80
Stage 1 – Evolves from Sunkern

Poke-Power: Grasswhistle
You can use this Power once during your turn. Remove 1 damage counter from each of your Grass Pokemon. This Power can’t be used if this Pokemon is affected by a Special Condition, or if another Pokemon’s Grasswhistle was already used this turn.

[G][G] Petal Dance: Flip 3 coins, this attack does 30 damage x the number of heads. If 2 or more coins are heads, Sunflora is now Confused.

Weakness: Fire (+20)
Resistance: Water (-20)
Retreat: 2

Shuckle L.25 – Grass – HP60
Basic Pokemon

Poke-Body: Pot Shell
Prevent all effects of attacks, including damage, done to this Pokemon by an opponent’s Pokemon that has any Special Energy cards attached to it.

[G][C] Fermented Poison: 10 damage. The Defending Pokemon is now Poisoned. As long as the Defending Pokemon remains Poisoned, it can’t use any Poke-Bodies.

Weakness: Fire (+20)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

Shroomish L.10 – Grass – HP50
Basic Pokemon

[C] Headbutt: 10 damage.
[G][C] Poison Spore: 20 damage. Flip a coin, if heads the Defending Pokemon is now Poisoned.

Weakness: Fire (+10)
Resistance: Water (-20)
Retreat: 1

Breloom L.40 – Grass – HP100
Stage 1 – Evolves from Shroomish

[F][C] Drain Punch: 40 damage. Remove a number of damage counters from Breloom equal to the number of Energy attached to the Defending Pokemon.
[F][C][C] Homing Uppercut: 60 damage. If the Defending Pokemon’s retreat cost is 0, this attack does an additional 60 damage.

Weakness: Fire (+30)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 2

Burmy (Plant Cloak) L.10 – Grass – HP40
Basic Pokemon

Poke-Power: Suit Up
You can use this Power once during your turn, if this Pokemon is your Active Pokemon. Attach 1 Basic Grass Energy from your discard pile to this Pokemon.

[C] Plant Cloak Tackle: 10 damage. If Burmy has any Grass Energy attached to it, this attack does an additional 10 damage.

Weakness: Fire (+10)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

Burmy (Sand Cloak) L.10 – Grass – HP40
Basic Pokemon

Poke-Power: Suit Up
You can use this Power once during your turn, if this Pokemon is your Active Pokemon. Attach 1 Basic Fighting Energy from your discard pile to this Pokemon.

[C] Sand Cloak Tackle: 10 damage. If Burmy has any Fighting Energy attached to it, this attack does an additional 10 damage.

Weakness: Fire (+10)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

Burmy (Trash Cloak) L.10 – Grass – HP40
Basic Pokemon

Poke-Power: Suit Up
You can use this Power once during your turn, if this Pokemon is your Active Pokemon. Attach 1 Basic Metal Energy from your discard pile to this Pokemon.

[C] Trash Cloak Tackle: 10 damage. If Burmy has any Metal Energy attached to it, this attack does an additional 10 damage.

Weakness: Fire (+10)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

Wormadam (Plant Cloak) L.36 – Grass – HP80
Stage 1 – Evolves from Burmy (Plant)

Poke-Body: Plant Cloak
If this Pokemon has at least 2 Grass Energy attached to it, This Pokemon’s max HP is increased by 40.

[G][C][C] Leaf Hurricane: 60 damage. If the Defending Pokemon’s remaining HP is less than Wormadam’s remaining HP, the Defending Pokemon is now Confused.

Weakness: Fire (+20)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

Mothim L.39 – Grass – HP80
Stage 1 – Evolves from Burmy

[.] Silver Wind: If an attack does damage to the Defending Pokemon on your next turn, that attack’s damage is increased by 40.
[G][C] Rage Powder: 30 damage. If Mothim has any damage counters on it, this attack does an additional 40 damage.

Weakness: Fire (+20)
Resistance: Fighting (-20)
Retreat: 0

Charmander L.8 – Fire – HP50
Basic Pokemon

[.] Gnaw: 10 damage.
[R][R] Fireball: 20 damage. Does 10 damage to 1 of your opponent’s Benched Pokemon.

Weakness: Water (+10)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

Charmeleon L.29 – Fire – HP80
Stage 1 – Evolves from Charmander

[R] Fire Fang: 20 damage. The Defending Pokemon is now Burned.
[R][R][C] Flare Tail: 50 damage. Flip a coin, if heads this attack does an additional 20 damage, and discard a Fire Energy attached to Charmeleon.

Weakness: Water (+20)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

Charizard L.55 – Fire – HP130
Stage 2 – Evolves from Charmeleon

Poke-Body: Raging Fire
If your opponent has 3 or fewer Prize cards remaining, all of this Pokemon’s attacks do an additional 50 damage to each Active Pokemon.

[R][R][R][C] Blast Burn: 120 damage. Flip a coin, if heads discard 2 Energy attached to Charizard, and if tails discard 4 Energy attached to Charizard. (If you can’t discard Energy, the attack fails.)

Weakness: Water (+40)
Resistance: Fighting (-20)
Retreat: 3

Growlithe L.20 – Fire – HP70
Basic Pokemon

[C] Roar: Switch the Defending Pokemon with 1 of your opponent’s Benched Pokemon. Your opponent chooses the Benched Pokemon to switch.
[R][C] Raise Claws: 20 damage.

Weakness: Water (+20)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 2

Arcanine L.48 – Fire – HP100
Stage 1 – Evolves from Growlithe

Poke-Power: Flame Dash
You can use this Power once during your turn, when you play this card from your hand to evolve 1 of your Benched Pokemon. Switch 1 of your Active Pokemon with this Pokemon. If you do, you may choose any number of Energy attached to the switched out Pokemon and attach them to this Pokemon.

[R][R][C][C] Burning Take-Down: 120 damage. Arcanine does 40 damage to itself.

Weakness: Fire (+30)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 2

Entei L.43 – Fire – HP80
Basic Pokemon

Poke-Body: Burning Coat
When 1 of your opponent’s Pokemon is Knocked Out by damage from this Pokemon’s attack, discard 3 cards from the top of your opponent’s deck.

[R][R][R] Fire Battle Cry: 60 damage. Does 20 damage to 1 of your opponent’s Benched Pokemon. Flip a coin, if tails discard 2 Fire Energy attached to Entei.

Weakness: Water (+20)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 2

Ho-oh L.45 – Fire – HP90
Basic Pokemon

Poke-Power: Phoenix Turn
You can use this Power once during your opponent’s turn, when this Pokemon’s HP is reduced to 0 by damage from an attack. Flip a coin, if heads remove all damage counters and discard all cards other than Energy attached to this Pokemon. This Pokemon isn’t discarded, but it counts as a Knocked Out Pokemon, and your opponent draws a Prize card.

[C][C][C][C] Rainbow Wing: Does 20 damage x the number of different types of Basic Energy cards attached to Ho-oh.

Weakness: Fire (x2)
Resistance: Fighting (-20)
Retreat: 2

Squirtle L.15 – Water – HP50
Basic Pokemon

[.] Bubble: Flip a coin, if heads the Defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed.
[W][C] Aqua Tail: 20 damage. Flip a coin for each Water Energy attached to Squirtle, this attack does an additional 10 damage x the number of heads.

Weakness: Lightning (+10)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

Wartortle L.28 – Water – HP80
Stage 1 – Evolves from Squirtle

[W][W] Giant Wave: 40 damage. Wartortle can’t use Giant Wave on your next turn.
[C][C][C] Shell Attack: 50 damage.

Weakness: Lightning (+20)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

Blastoise L.52 – Water – HP120
Stage 2 – Evolves from Wartortle

Poke-Power: Water Dip
You can use this Power once during your turn; using this Power ends your turn. Choose any number of Basic Water Energy in your hand and attach them to your Pokemon in any way you like. This Power can’t be used if this Pokemon is affected by a Special Condition.

[W][W][C] Hydro Pump: 50 damage. This attack does an additional 20 damage for each Water Energy attached to Blastoise that isn’t used to pay for the attack’s cost. Extra energy after the second doesn’t count.

Weakness: Lightning (+30)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 2

Psyduck L.15 – Water – HP60
Basic Pokemon

[C] Delusion: If Psyduck is Confused, draw 2 cards.
[C] Migraine: 10 damage. Flip a coin, if heads the Defending Pokemon is now Confused. If tails, Psyduck is now Confused.

Weakness: Lightning (+10)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

Golduck L.39 – Water – HP90
Stage 1 – Evolves from Psyduck

[P] Encore: 20 damage. Choose 1 of the Defending Pokemon’s attacks. During your opponent’s next turn, the Defending Pokemon can’t use any attacks but that one.
[W][P] Break Beam: 40 damage. You may do an additional 20 damage. If you do, Golduck is now Confused.

Weakness: Lightning (+20)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

Shellder L.10 – Water – HP50
Basic Pokemon

[C] Shell Rest: Remove 2 damage counters from Shellder.
[W][C] Tongue Slap: 20 damage.

Weakness: Lightning (+10)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

Cloyster L.40 – Water – HP80
Stage 1 – Evolves from Shellder

[.] Withdraw: Flip a coin, if heads prevent all damage done to Cloyster by attacks during your opponent’s next turn.
[W][C] Spike Missile: Flip 4 coins, for each heads choose 1 of your opponent’s Pokemon (you can choose the same Pokemon more than once). Then, do 20 damage to each of the chosen Pokemon.

Weakness: Lightning (+20)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 2

Wooper L.11 – Water – HP60
Basic Pokemon

[C] Yawn: The Defending Pokemon is now Asleep.
[W] Splatter: Does 10 damage to 1 of your opponent’s Pokemon. Don’t apply Weakness and Resistance.

Weakness: Grass (+20)
Resistance: Lightning (-20)
Retreat: 1

Quagsire L.38 – Water – HP90
Stage 1 – Evolves from Wooper

Poke-Power: Aqua Healing
You can use this Power once during your turn, if this Pokemon is your Active Pokemon and the opponent’s Active Pokemon has any Water Energy attached to it. Remove 3 damage counters from this Pokemon.

[W][C][C] Muddy Water: 60 damage. Does 20 damage to 1 of your opponent’s Benched Pokemon.

Weakness: Grass (+30)
Resistance: Lighting (-20)
Retreat: 3
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Grand Seigneur Sith

Nombre de messages : 307
Age : 47
Localisation : Goudaland-Picardyland
Date d'inscription : 24/06/2005

Spoiler du set DP 3 : Shining Darkness (en anglais) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Spoiler du set DP 3 : Shining Darkness (en anglais)   Spoiler du set DP 3 : Shining Darkness (en anglais) Icon_minitimeVen 31 Aoû - 16:31

suite ...

Qwilfish L.31 – Water – HP70
Basic Pokemon

Poke-Power: Balloon Needle
This Power can be used once during your opponent’s turn, when this Pokemon is your Active Pokemon and is damaged by an attack (even if this Pokemon’s HP is reduced to 0). Flip a coin, if heads the attacking Pokemon is now Poisoned. In between turns, place 2 damage counters on the Poisoned Pokemon instead of 1.

[W][W] Nerve Jab: 20 damage. Flip a coin, if heads the Defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed.

Weakness: Lightning (+20)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

Corsola L.32 – Water – HP70
Basic Pokemon

[C] Everybody Gather: Search your deck for up to 3 Basic Pokemon of different types, and put them on your Bench. Shuffle your deck afterward.
[W][C] Spit: 30 damage.

Weakness: Grass (+20)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

Suicune L.44 – Water – HP70
Basic Pokemon

Poke-Power: Aqua Recover
You can use this Power once during your turn, when you play this card from your hand onto your Bench. Choose up to 3 Water Energy cards from your discard pile, show them to your opponent, and put them in your hand.

[W][W][W] Cure Stream: 60 damage. On your opponent’s next turn, any damage done by attacks by the Defending Pokemon is reduced by 20.

Weakness: Lightning (+20)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

Lotad L.13 – Water – HP50
Basic Pokemon

[W] Splash about: 10 damage. If Lotad has fewer Energy attached to it than the Defending Pokemon, this attack does an additional 20 damage.
[W][C] Ram: 20 damage.

Weakness: Lightning (+10)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

Lombre L.26 – Water – HP70
Stage 1 – Evolves from Lotad

[C][C] Harass: 20 damage. Flip a coin, if heads your opponent can’t play any Supporter cards from his or her hand during your opponent’s next turn.
[W][W] Absorb: 40 damage. Remove 2 damage counters from Lombre.

Weakness: Lightning (+20)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

Ludicolo L.47 – Water – HP100
Stage 2 – Evolves from Lombre

Poke-Body: Rain Dish
Remove 1 damage counter from this Pokemon in between turns.

[W][W][C] Nature Power: 60 damage. If you have a Stadium in play, this attack does an additional 20 damage. If your opponent has a Stadium in play, the Defending Pokemon is now Confused.

Weakness: Lightning (+30)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 2

Shellos (West Sea) L.25 – Water – HP60
Basic Pokemon

[C] Mud-Slap: 10 damage.
[W] Recover: Discard 1 Water Energy from Shellos and remove all damage counters from Shellos.

Weakness: Lightning (+10)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

Shellos (East Sea) L.23 – Water – HP60
Basic Pokemon

[C] Shell Search: Search your deck for up to 2 Shellos and put them on your bench. Shuffle your deck afterward.
[W] Spray: 10 damage.

Weakness: Lightning (+10)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 2

Gastrodon (East Sea) L.43 – Water – HP100
Stage 1 – Evolves from Shellos (East)

Poke-Power: Osmosis
You can use this Power once during your turn, if you have a Gastrodon (West Sea) in play. Move up to 3 damage counters from this Pokemon to the Gastrodon (West Sea).

[W][C][C] Dwindling Wave: Does 80 damage – 10 damage for each damage counter on Gastrodon.

Weakness: Grass (+30)
Resistance: Lightning (-20)
Retreat: 4

Palkia L.X – Water – HP120
Level Up

Poke-Power: Reconstruction
You can use this Power once during your turn. Your opponent chooses 1 of your Benched Pokemon, and you choose 1 of your opponent’s Benched Pokemon. Then, each of the chosen Pokemon is switched with 1 of the Active Pokemon (a player who has no Bench can’t switch). This Power can’t be used if this Pokemon is affected by a Special Condition.

[W][W][W] Hydro Reflection: 60 damage. You may attach all of Palkia’s Energy to your Benched Pokemon in any way you like. (If you have no Benched Pokemon, this effect does nothing.)

Weakness: Lightning (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 3

Voltorb L.29 – Lightning – HP50
Basic Pokemon

[L] Speed Ball: 20 damage.
[L][C] Explode: 50 damage. Voltorb does 50 damage to itself.

Weakness: Fighting (+10)
Resistance: Steel (-20)
Retreat: 1

Electrode L.42 – Lightning – HP80
Stage 1 – Evolves from Voltorb

Poke-Power: Energy Shift
You can use this Power once, when this Pokemon’s HP is reduced to 0 by damage from an attack. This Pokemon is Knocked Out, discard all cards except this card, and attach it to 1 of your Pokemon as an Energy. As long as this card is attached to a Pokemon, treat it as a Special Energy card providing 1 Energy of every type.

[L][C] Ion Blast: 40 damage. You may do an additional 60 damage. If you do, Electrode does 100 damage to itself.

Weakness: Fighting (+20)
Resistance: Steel (-20)
Retreat: 0

Mareep L.11 – Lightning – HP50
Basic Pokemon

[L] Thundershock: 10 damage. Flip a coin, if heads the Defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed.
[L][C] Kerzap: 20 damage.

Weakness: Fighting (+10)
Resistance: Steel (-20)
Retreat: 1

Flaaffy L.26 – Lightning – HP80
Stage 1 – Evolves from Mareep

[C] Attract Current: 10 damage. Search your deck for a Lightning Energy and attach it to 1 of your Pokemon. Shuffle your deck afterward.
[L][L][C] Electro Kick: 60 damage. Flip a coin, if tails Flaaffy does 10 damage to itself.

Weakness: Fighting (+20)
Resistance: Steel (-20)
Retreat: 1

Ampharos L.52 – Lightning – HP130
Stage 2 – Evolves from Flaaffy

Poke-Body: Jamming
Whenever your opponent plays a Supporter card from his or her hand, after the effect of the Supporter card resolves, place 1 damage counter on each of your opponent’s Pokemon. This Poke-Body can’t be used if another one of your Pokemon already used a Jamming Poke-Body.

[L][C][C] Cluster Bolt: 70 damage. You may discard all Lightning Energy attached to Ampharos. If you do, each of your opponent’s Benched Pokemon that has any Energy attached to it takes 20 damage.

Weakness: Fighting (+30)
Resistance: Steel (-20)
Retreat: 3

Raikou L.42 – Lightning – HP80
Basic Pokemon

Poke-Power: Thunderclap
You can use this Power once during your turn, when you attach a Lightning Energy from your hand to this Pokemon. Place 1 damage counter on 1 of your opponent’s Benched Pokemon. This Power can’t be used if Energy is attached as an effect of an attack.

[L][L][L] Thunder Climb: 50 damage. Discard the top 3 cards from your deck, and do an additional 10 damage for each Lightning Energy that’s discarded. Then, take all of those Lightning Energy out of your discard pile and attach them to 1 of your Pokemon.

Weakness: Fighting (+20)
Resistance: Steel (-20)
Retreat: 2

Plusle L.30 – Lightning – HP60
Basic Pokemon

Poke-Power: Plus Charge
You can use this Power once during your turn, if any of your Pokemon were Knocked Out on your opponent’s previous turn. Choose up to 2 Basic Energy cards from your discard pile, show them to your opponent, and put them in your hand. This Power can’t be used if this Pokemon is affected by a Special Condition, or if another Pokemon already used Plus Charge during your turn.

[L] Tag Play +: 20 damage. If Minun is on your Bench, you may do this damage to 1 of your opponent’s Benched Pokemon instead of the Active Pokemon.

Weakness: Fighting (+10)
Resistance: Steel (-20)
Retreat: 1

Minun L.30 – Lightning – HP60
Basic Pokemon

Poke-Power: Minus Charge
You can use this Power once during your turn, if any of your Pokemon were Knocked Out on your opponent’s previous turn. Draw 2 cards. This Power can’t be used if this Pokemon is affected by a Special Condition, or if another Pokemon already used Minus Charge during your turn.

[L] Tag Play -: 20 damage. If Plusle is on your Bench, you may attach 1 of Minun’s Energy to 1 of your Benched Pokemon.

Weakness: Fighting (+10)
Resistance: Steel (-20)
Retreat: 1

Nidoran m L.13 – Psychic – HP60
Basic Pokemon

[C] Me First: Draw a card.
[P] Poison Skin: Flip 2 coins, if at least 1 is heads the Defending Pokemon is now Poisoned.

Weakness: Psychic (+10)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

Nidorino L.28 – Psychic – HP80
Stage 1 – Evolves from Nidoran

[C][C] Focus Drill: 20 damage. During your next turn, if any of Nidorino’s attacks do damage to either of the opponent’s Active Pokemon, that damage is increased by 20.
[P][C][C] Poison Horn: 40 damage. The Defending Pokemon is now Poisoned.

Weakness: Psychic (+20)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

Nidoking L.55 – Psychic – HP130
Stage 2 – Evolves from Nidorino

[C][C] Poison Rub: 20 damage. The Defending Pokemon is now Poisoned. Before doing damage and Poison, you may choose 1 of the opponent’s Benched Pokemon and switch it with the Active Pokemon (the newly brought out Pokemon takes the damage and Poison).
[P][P][C][C] Pride Attack: 60 damage. Flip a coin for each of your Benched Nidoqueen. This attack does an additional 30 damage x the number of heads.

Weakness: Psychic (+30)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 2

Grimer L.15 – Psychic – HP60
Basic Pokemon

[C] Sludge Bomb: 10 damage.
[P] Stickiness: If the defending Pokemon tries to attack during your opponent’s next turn, your opponent flips a coin. If tails, the attack does nothing.

Weakness: Psychic (+10)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 2

Muk L.43 – Psychic – HP80
Stage 1 – Evolves from Grimer

Poke-Body: Toxic Sludge
At the end of each turn, each of your opponent’s Active Pokemon that has any Grass Energy attached to it becomes Poisoned. This Body has no effect on Pokemon that are already Poisoned.

[P][P][C] Panic Liquid: 50 damage. The Defending Pokemon is now Confused. The Defending Pokemon can’t retreat during your opponent’s next turn.

Weakness: Psychic (+20)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 2

Jynx L.30 – Psychic – HP70
Basic Pokemon

[W][C] Ice Kiss: 30 damage. If Jynx was damaged by an attack during your opponent’s last turn, the Defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed.
[P][C] Lovely Kiss: Move 2 damage counters from Jynx onto the Defending Pokemon. If Smoochum is anywhere under Jynx, move 4 damage counters instead.

Weakness: Psychic (+20)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 2

Mew L.40 – Psychic – HP60
Basic Pokemon

[.] Psycho Balance: Draw cards until you have the same number of cards in your hand as your opponent. (If you have the same number, or more cards in your hand than your opponent, this attack does nothing.)
[P][C][C] Replace: Choose an attack on 1 of the Pokemon in your opponent’s discard pile, and Replace copies all effects of that attack, including damage. (The attack fails is Mew doesn’t have the Energy to perform an effect of the attack.)

Weakness: Psychic (+20)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

Natu L.9 – Psychic – HP40
Basic Pokemon

[C] Deep Thought: 20 damage. Flip a coin, if tails this attack does nothing. If heads, discard 1 Energy attached to the Defending Pokemon.
[P] Foresight: Look at the top 5 cards of either player’s deck, and return them to the top of the deck in any order.

Weakness: Psychic (+10)
Resistance: Fighting (-20)
Retreat: 1
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Grand Seigneur Sith

Nombre de messages : 307
Age : 47
Localisation : Goudaland-Picardyland
Date d'inscription : 24/06/2005

Spoiler du set DP 3 : Shining Darkness (en anglais) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Spoiler du set DP 3 : Shining Darkness (en anglais)   Spoiler du set DP 3 : Shining Darkness (en anglais) Icon_minitimeVen 31 Aoû - 16:32

suite 2 ...

Xatu L.44 – Psychic – HP80
Stage 1 – Evolves from Natu

Poke-Power: Psycho Shift
You can use this Power once during your turn, if this Pokemon is on your Bench. Choose 1 of your Active Pokemon’s Special Conditions, and remove it. Then, choose 1 of your opponent’s Active Pokemon, and that Pokemon is now affected by that Special Condition.

[P][C] Energy Burn: Does 20 damage to 1 of your opponent’s Pokemon. If that Pokemon has any Energy attached to it, do an additional 10 damage x the number of Energy.

Weakness: Psychic (+10)
Resistance: Fighting (-20)
Retreat: 1

Unown K L.15 – Psychic – HP60
Basic Pokemon

Poke-Power: Kind
You can use this Power once during your turn. Remove 2 damage counters from 1 of your opponent’s Active Pokemon.

[P] Hidden Power: 20 damage.

Weakness: Psychic (+10)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

Unown N L.16 – Psychic – HP50
Basic Pokemon

Poke-Power: Nod
You can use this Power once during your turn, if this Pokemon, Unown O and Unown D are on your Bench. Ask your opponent if he or she wants to take a Prize card. If your opponent takes a Prize card, you also take a Prize card. If not, draw 1 card.

[C] Hidden Power: 10 damage. Flip a coin, if heads the Defending Pokemon is now Burned.

Weakness: Psychic (+10)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

Unown O L.12 – Psychic – HP50
Basic Pokemon

Poke-Power: One
You can use this Power once during your turn, if this Pokemon, Unown N and Unown E are on your Bench, and you have 1 card in your hand. Draw cards from your deck until you have 7 cards in your hand.

[C] Hidden Power: 10 damage. Flip a coin, if heads the Defending Pokemon is now Asleep.

Weakness: Psychic (+10)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

Unown S L.15 – Psychic – HP50
Basic Pokemon

Poke-Power: Set
You can use this Power once during your turn, if this Pokemon, Unown E and Unown T are on your Bench. Flip a coin, if heads choose 1 Energy card from your discard pile, show it to your opponent, and place it on top of your deck.

[C] Hidden Power: 10 damage. Flip a coin, if heads the Defending Pokemon is now Confused.

Weakness: Psychic (+10)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

Unown X L.11 – Psychic – HP50
Basic Pokemon

Poke-Power: X-Ray
You can use this Power once during your turn, if this Pokemon is on your Bench. Look at the top card of your opponent’s deck, then put it back on top of the deck.

[C] Hidden Power: 10 damage. Flip a coin, if heads the Defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed.

Weakness: Psychic (+10)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

Unown Z L.16 – Psychic – HP50
Basic Pokemon

Poke-Power: Zero
You can use this Power once during your turn, if this Pokemon is on your Bench, and you have no cards left in your deck. Discard all cards attached to this Pokemon, and return this Pokemon to your deck.

[C] Hidden Power: Remove any number of damage counters from any of your Unown in play. Then, place the same number of damage counters on the Defending Pokemon.

Weakness: Psychic (+10)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

Smoochum L.6 – Psychic – HP50
Basic Pokemon

Poke-Power: Baby Evolution
You can use this Power once during your turn. Play a Jynx card from your hand on top of this card (this counts as Evolving). Then, remove all damage counters from this card.

[.] Psycho Kiss: Flip a coin, if heads choose 1 of your opponent’s Special Energy cards in play, and shuffle it back into your opponent’s deck.

Weakness: Psychic (+10)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

Ralts L.13 – Psychic – HP60
Basic Pokemon

[C] Slap: 10 damage.
[P] Confuse Ray: Flip a coin, if heads the Defending Pokemon is now Confused.

Weakness: Psychic (+10)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

Kirlia L,28 – Psychic – HP80
Stage 1 – Evolves from Ralts

[P] Psychic Research: Choose a Supporter card from your discard pile and use its effect as an effect of this attack. (The chosen card remains in the discard pile.)
[P][C][C] Telekinesis: Does 40 damage to 1 of your opponent’s Pokemon, ignoring Weakness and Resistance.

Weakness: Psychic (+20)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

Shuppet L.13 – Psychic – HP50
Basic Pokemon

[P] Gossip: Place 1 damage counter on 1 of your opponent’s Pokemon.
[C][C] Dangle: 20 damage.

Weakness: Darkness (+10)
Resistance: Colorless (-20)
Retreat: 1

Banette L.42 – Psychic – HP80
Stage 1 – Evolves from Shuppet

[.] Ghost Head: You may place any number of damage counters on Banette (you can’t reduce Banette’s HP to 0). Then, place the same number of damage counters on the Defending Pokemon.
[P][P] Stacking Grudge: 40 damage. If any Banette is in your discard pile, this attack does an additional 40 damage. Choose 1 Banette from your discard pile, show it to your opponent, and shuffle it into your deck.

Weakness: Darkness (+20)
Resistance: Colorless (-20)
Retreat: 1

Duskull L.11 –Psychic –HP50
Basic Pokemon

Reaper Cloth
This Pokemon can be evolved during your turn, even on the turn when it comes into play.

[P] Surprise: Flip a coin, if heads choose 1 card from your opponent’s hand without looking. Look at the card you choose, then your opponent shuffles the card back into his or her deck.

Weakness: Darkness (+10)
Resistance: Colorless (-20)
Retreat: 1

Diglett L.10 – Fighting – HP50
Basic Pokemon

[C] Down Draw: Draw 1 card from the bottom of your deck.
[F][F] Mud-Slap: 30 damage.

Weakness: Water (+10)
Resistance: Lightning (-20)
Retreat: 1

Dugtrio L.46 – Fighting – HP90
Stage 1 – Evolves from Diglett

[F][C] Dig: Flip a coin, if tails this attack does nothing. If heads, on your opponent’s next turn, prevent all effects of attacks, including damage, done to Dugtrio; and if Dugtrio is the Active Pokemon at the end of your opponent’s next turn, place 6 damage counters on 1 of your opponent’s Benched Pokemon.
[F][F][C] Pithole: 50 damage. Your opponent flips a coin. If tails this attack does an additional 50 damage.

Weakness: Water (+20)
Resistance: Lightning (-20)
Retreat: 0

Golem L.52 – Fighting – HP130
Stage 2 – Evolves from Graveler

[F][F][C] Simultaneous Throw: Does 30 damage to 2 of your opponent’s Pokemon.
[F][F][F][C] Megaton Rock: 80 damage. You may do 40 base damage instead of 80. If you do, during your opponent’s next turn, any damage done to Golem by attacks is reduced by 40.

Weakness: Grass (+30)
Resistance: Lightning (-20)
Retreat: 4

Phanpy L.14 – Fighting – HP60
Basic Pokemon

[C] Flail: Does 10 damage x the number of damage counters on Phanpy
[F][C] Take-Down: 30 damage. Phanpy does 10 damage to itself.

Weakness: Water (+10)
Resistance: Lightning (-20)
Retreat: 1

Donphan L.48 – Fighting – HP100
Stage 1 – Evolves from Phanpy

[F][C] Rapid Spin: 40 damage. Your opponent switches the Defending Pokemon with 1 of his or her Benched Pokemon, and you switch Donphan with 1 of your Benched Pokemon. Each player chooses their own Benched Pokemon to switch. (A player with no Bench doesn’t switch.)
[F][F][C][C] Destroy: 70 damage. If the Defending Pokemon has a Pokemon Tool attached, this attack does an additional 60 damage.

Weakness: Water (+20)
Resistance: Lightning (-20)
Retreat: 3

Trapinch L.9 – Fighting – HP50
Basic Pokemon

[C] Invite to Hole: Choose 1 of your opponent’s Benched Pokemon and switch it with the Active Pokemon.
[F] Sand Pit: 10 damage. The Defending Pokemon can’t retreat during your opponent’s next turn.

Weakness: Water (+10)
Resistance: Lightning (-20)
Retreat: 1

Vibrava L.37 – Fighting – HP80
Stage 1 – Evolves from Trapinch

[F] Sand Wind: Does 10 damage to each of your opponent’s Pokemon.
[F][C][C] Hyper Beam: 40 damage. Flip a coin, if heads discard 1 Energy attached to the Defending Pokemon.

Weakness: Water (+20)
Resistance: Lightning (-20)
Retreat: 1

Flygon L.60 – Fighting – HP120
Stage 2 – Evolves from Vibrava

Poke-Body: Nasty Hum
If this Pokemon is your Active Pokemon, in between turns place 1 damage counter on each of your opponent’s Active Pokemon, excluding Fighting Pokemon.

[F][C][C] Sand Sonic: 60 damage. If you attached a Fighting Energy from your hand to Flygon during this turn, this attack does an additional 20 damage.

Weakness: Water (+30)
Resistance: Lightning (-20)
Retreat: 1

Wormadam (Sand Cloak) L.37 – Fighting – HP80
Stage 1 – Evolves from Burmy (Sand)

Poke-Body: Sand Cloak
Ignore all effects of opponent’s attacks, excluding damage, done to this Pokemon.

[F][C][C] Push Over: Does 40 damage + an additional 10 damage for each Fighting Energy attached to Wormadam.

Weakness: Fire (+20)
Resistance: Lightning (-20)
Retreat: 1

Gastrodon (West Sea) L.44 – Fighting – HP100
Stage 1 – Evolves from Shellos West

[F][C] Enraged Muddy Water: Does 20 damage +10 more damage for each damage counter on Gastrodon. Then, remove 2 damage counters from Gastrodon.
[F][C][C][C] Rough Sea: 80 damage. Both players place 1 damage counter on each of their Benched Pokemon.

Weakness: Grass (+30)
Resistance: Lightning (-20)
Retreat: 4

Gallade L.55 – Fighting – HP130
Stage 2 – Evolves from Kirlia

[F][C] Sonic Blade: Place damage counters on the Defending Pokemon until the Defending Pokemon’s remaining HP is 50. Switch the Defending Pokemon with 1 of your opponent’s Benched Pokemon. Your opponent chooses the Benched Pokemon to switch.
[P][C][C] Psycho Cut: 60 damage. You may choose any number of your face-down Prize cards and flip them face-up. If you do, this attack does an additional 20 damage for each card you flipped over. (The flipped over Prize cards remain face-up.)

Weakness: Psychic (+30)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 2

Pidgey L.8 – Colorless – HP50
Basic Pokemon

[C] Growl: During your opponent’s next turn, any damage done by the Defending Pokemon is reduced by 20.
[C][C] Peck: 20 damage.

Weakness: Lightning (+10)
Resistance: Fighting (-20)
Retreat: 1

Pidgeotto L.21 – Colorless – HP70
Stage 1 – Evolves from Pidgey

[C] Wing Attack: 20 damage.
[C][C] Quick Attack: 30 damage. Flip a coin, if heads this attack does an additional 30 damage.

Weakness: Lightning (+20)
Resistance: Fighting (-20)
Retreat: 0

Pidgeot L.50 –Colorless – HP100
Stage 2 – Evolves from Pidgeotto

[C][C] Mirror Move: If Pidgeot took damage on your opponent’s last turn, do an equal amount of damage to the Defending Pokemon.
[C][C] Whirlwind: 50 damage. Switch the Defending Pokemon with 1 of your opponent’s Benched Pokemon. Your opponent chooses the Benched Pokemon to switch.

Weakness: Lightning (+30)
Resistance: Fighting (-20)
Retreat: 0

Rattata L.10 – Colorless – HP30
Basic Pokemon

[C] Tail Whip: Flip a coin, if heads the Defending Pokemon can’t attack during your opponent’s next turn.
[C] Bite: 20 damage.

Weakness: Fighting (+10)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 0

Raticate L.29 – Colorless – HP70
Stage 1 – Evolves from Rattata

[C] Bite Into: 10 damage. Flip a coin, if heads this attack does an additional 60 damage.
[C] Sucker Punch: 20 damage. If Raticate has any Darkness Energy attached to it, this attack does an additional 20 damage.

Weakness: Fighting (+20)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 0

Clefairy L.17 – Colorless – HP60
Basic Pokemon

Moon Stone
This Pokemon can be evolved during your turn, even on the turn when it comes into play.

[C] Double Slap: Flip 2 coins, this attack does 10 damage x the number of heads.

Weakness: Fighting (+10)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

Farfetch’d L.26 – Colorless – HP60
Basic Pokemon

[C] Swords Dance: On your next turn, Farfetch’d’s Leek Slap does 60 base damage.
[C] Leek Slap: 30 damage. Farfetch’d can’t use Leek Slap on your next turn.

Weakness: Lightning (+20)
Resistance: Fighting (-20)
Retreat: 1
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Grand Seigneur Sith

Nombre de messages : 307
Age : 47
Localisation : Goudaland-Picardyland
Date d'inscription : 24/06/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoiler du set DP 3 : Shining Darkness (en anglais)   Spoiler du set DP 3 : Shining Darkness (en anglais) Icon_minitimeVen 31 Aoû - 16:33

suite 3 ...

Lickitung L.27 – Colorless – HP80
Basic Pokemon

[C] Lick: Flip a coin, if heads the Defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed.
[C][C] Stomp: 10 damage. Flip a coin, if heads this attack does an additional 30 damage.

Weakness: Fighting (+20)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 3

Sentret L.11 – Colorless – HP60
Basic Pokemon

[C] Fumble: Look at the top 2 cards from your deck, choose 1 and put it in your hand. Put the other 1 at the bottom of your deck.
[C] Scratch: 10 damage.

Weakness: Fighting (+10)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

Furret L.35 – Colorless – HP90
Stage 1 – Evolves from Sentret

[.] Keen Eye: Search your deck for up to 2 cards and put them in your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward.
[C][C] Baton Pass: 40 damage. You may switch Furret with 1 of your Benched Pokemon. If you do, you may move any number of Energy from Furret to the newly switched in Pokemon.

Weakness: Fighting (+20)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

Stantler L.28 – Colorless – HP70
Basic Pokemon

[.] Guide: Search your deck for a Supporter card, show it to your opponent, and put it in your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward.
[C][C] Deer Horn: 20 damage. If the Defending Pokemon isn’t an Evolved Pokemon, the Defending Pokemon is now Confused.

Weakness: Fighting (+20)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

Smeargle L.31 – Colorless – HP70
Basic Pokemon

[.] Color Pick: Search your deck for up to 3 Basic Energy cards, show them to your opponent, and put them in your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward.
[C] Trace: Flip a coin, if heads choose an attack on 1 of your opponent’s Benched Pokemon, and Trace copies all effects of that attack, including damage. (The attack fails if Smeargle doesn’t have the Energy to perform an effect of the attack.)

Weakness: Fighting (+10)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

Miltank L.32 – Colorless – HP90
Basic Pokemon

[.] Healing Milk: Flip 2 coins. For each heads, remove 3 damage counters from 1 of your Pokemon.
[C][C] Continuous Tumble: Flip a coin until you get tails. This attack does 20 damage x the number of heads.

Weakness: Fighting (+20)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 2

Lugia L.43 – Colorless – HP90
Basic Pokemon

[C] Silver Sparkle: 20 damage. Flip a coin, if heads return 1 Energy attached to the Defending Pokemon to your opponent’s hand.
[P][C][C] Psycho Destruction: 120 damage. If the Defending Pokemon has any Energy attached to it, this attack base damage becomes 40 instead of 120.

Weakness: Psychic (+20)
Resistance: Fighting (-20)
Retreat: 2

Spinda L.25 – Colorless – HP70
Basic Pokemon

[C] Anticipate: Draw 1 card from the top of your deck and 1 card from the bottom of your deck.
[C] Synchro Punch: 10 damage. If at least 1 Basic Energy attached to Spinda matches an Energy type attached to the Defending Pokemon, this attack does an additional 30 damage.

Weakness: Fighting (+20)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

Kecleon L.28 – Colorless – HP70
Basic Pokemon

Poke-Body: Camouflage
If this Pokemon is damaged by an attack from 1 of your opponent’s Pokemon whose type is the same as a Basic Energy attached to this Pokemon, the damage is reduced by 40.

[C][C] Blind Scratch: 60 damage. Flip a coin, if tails the Defending Pokemon takes no damage, and 1 of your Pokemon takes 20 damage.

Weakness: Fighting (+10)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

Bagon L.11 – Colorless – HP50
Basic Pokemon

[C] Bite: 10 damge.
[C][C] Rage: Does 10 damage +10 more damage x the number of damage counters on Bagon.

Weakness: Colorless (+10)
Resistance: Fighting (-20)
Retreat: 1

Shelgon L.32 – Colorless – HP80
Stage 1 – Evolves from Bagon

[C] Focus Energy: On your next turn, Shelgon’s Protect Charge does 80 base damage.
[C][C][C] Protect Charge: 30 damage. On your opponent’s next turn, any damage done to Shelgon is reduced by 30.

Weakness: Colorless (+20)
Resistance: Fighting (-20)
Retreat: 2

Salamence L.62 – Colorless – HP140
Stage 2 – Evolves from Shelgon

[C][C] Critical Hit: 50 damage. This damage isn’t affected by Weakness, Resistance, or any other effects on the Defending Pokemon.
[R][R][W][W] Dragon Finish: Discard 2 Basic Fire Energy or 2 Basic Water Energy attached to Salamence. If you discard Fire Energy, do 100 damage to the Defending Pokemon. If you discard Water Energy, do 100 damage to 1 of your opponent’s Benched Pokemon. (If you can’t discard, the attack fails.)

Weakness: Colorless (+30)
Resistance: fighting (-20)
Retreat: 3

Lickilicky L.46 – Colorless – HP110
Stage 1 – Evolves from Lickitung

[C][C] Angling Tongue: Choose 1 of your opponent’s Pokemon. If it’s a Benched Pokemon, switch it with the opponent’s Active Pokemon. The chosen Pokemon takes 20 damage, and flip a coin, if heads the Pokemon is now Paralyzed.
[C][C][C][C] Potential: 80 damage. Lickilicky can’t attack on your next turn.

Weakness: Fighting (+30)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 4

Murkrow L.10 – Darkness – HP50
Basic Pokemon

Dusk Stone
This Pokemon can be evolved during your turn, even on the turn when it comes into play.

[D][C] Feint Attack: Does 20 damage to 1 of your opponent’s Pokemon, and don’t apply Weakness, Resistance, or any other effects when doing this damage.

Weakness: Lightning (+10)
Resistance: Fighting (-20)
Retreat: 1

Sableye L.26 – Darkness – HP60
Basic Pokemon

[C] Hunt: Look at the top 5 cards of your deck, choose any number of Trainer cards, show them to your opponent, and put them in your hand. Return the remaining cards to your deck and shuffle your deck.
[D][C] Shadow Sneak: 20 damage. If you and your opponent have a different number of remaining Prize cards, this attack does an additional 20 damage.

Weakness: none
Resistance: Colorless (-20)
Retreat: 1

Carvanha L.18 – Darkness – HP50
Basic Pokemon

[W] Slash: 10 damage.
[D][C] Nip: 20 damage. Flip a coin, if heads discard 1 card from your opponent’s hand without looking.

Weakness: Lightning (+10)
Resistance: Psychic (-20)
Retreat: 1

Sharpedo L.39 – Darkness – HP80
Stage 1 – Evolves from Carvanha

Poke-Body: Rough Skin
When this Pokemon is your Active Pokemon and is damaged by an opponent’s attack (even if this Pokemon’s HP is reduced to 0), place 2 damage counters on the attacking Pokemon.

[W][C][C] Attack Wounds: 60 damage. If the Defending Pokemon already has 2 or more damage counters on it, this attack does an additional 20 damage. This attack’s damage isn’t affected by Weakness, Resistance, or any other effects on the Defending Pokemon.

Weakness: Lightning (+20)
Resistance: Psychic (-20)
Retreat: 0

Absol L.31 – Darkness – HP70
Basic Pokemon

[C] Wind of Misfortune: Discard 1 card from your opponent’s hand without looking. If the discarded card is any type of Trainer Card, discard 1 more card.
[D] Raid: 10 damage. On the turn this Absol is put into play from your hand, this attack does 40 damage. (If it is put into play during the game’s setup, ignore this effect).

Weakness: Fighting (+20)
Resistance: Psychic (-20)
Retreat: 1

Darkrai L.40 – Darkness – HP80
Basic Pokemon

[C] Dark Direction: 10 damage. You may switch the Defending Pokemon with 1 of your opponent’s Benched Pokemon. (Your opponent chooses the Benched Pokemon to switch.)
[D][D][C] Sleep Hall: 40 damage. If the Defending Pokemon is Asleep, this attack does an additional 40 damage. If it isn’t Asleep, the Defending Pokemon is now Asleep.

Weakness: Fighting (+20)
Resistance: Psychic (-20)
Retreat: 1

Darkrai L.X – Darkness – HP100
Level Up

Poke-Body: Dark Shadow
All Basic Darkness Energy cards attached to your Darkness type Pokemon gain the following text: “If the Pokemon this card is attached to does damage to any Active Pokemon, that damage is increased by 10.” This Poke-Body can’t be used if another of your Pokemon’s Dark Shadow Poke-Bodies is already in effect.

[D][D][C] Eternal Darkness: 40 damage. The Defending Pokemon is now Asleep. In between turns, the opponent flips 2 coins, and the Pokemon doesn’t wake up unless both are heads. If both are tails, the Defending Pokemon is Knocked Out.

Weakness: Fighting (x2)
Resistance: Psychic (-20)
Retreat: 1

Wormadam (Trash Cloak) L.38 – Steel – HP70
Stage 1 – Evolves from Burmy (Trash)

Poke-Body: Trash Cloak
If this Pokemon has a Pokemon Tool attached to it, any damage done to this Pokemon by attacks is reduced by 20.

[M][M][C] Iron Tackle: 70 damage. Wormadam does 20 damage to itself.

Weakness: Fire (+20)
Resistance: Psychic (-20)
Retreat: 1

Dialga L.X – Steel – HP110
Level Up

Poke-Power: Time Skip
You can use this Power once during your turn. Your opponent flips 2 coins. If both are heads, your turn is over. If both are tails, on your opponent’s next turn, the turn ends immediately after the opponent draws his or her card. This Power can’t be used if this Pokemon is affected by a Special Condition.

[M][M][C][C] Metal Flash: 80 damage. Dialga can’t use Metal Flash on your next turn.

Weakness: Fire (x2)
Resistance: Psychic (-20)
Retreat: 2

Hamana’s Research – Supporter

Search your deck for up to 2 in any combination of Basic Pokemon cards and Basic Energy cards, show them to your opponent, and put them in your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward.

You can only use 1 Supporter card during your turn. To use it, place it next to your Active Pokemon, and discard it at the end of your turn.

Professor Oak’s Visit – Supporter

Draw 3 cards. Then, put 1 card from your hand on the bottom of your deck.

You can only use 1 Supporter card during your turn. To use it, place it next to your Active Pokemon, and discard it at the end of your turn.

Team Galactic’s Mars – Supporter

Draw 2 cards. Then, without looking, choose 1 card from your opponent’s hand, and put it on the bottom of your opponent’s deck.

You can only use 1 Supporter card during your turn. To use it, place it next to your Active Pokemon, and discard it at the end of your turn.

Darkness Energy – Special Energy

Provides 1 [D] Energy.
Damage done by attacks to any Active Pokemon by a Darkness Pokemon that this card is attached to is increased by 10.
This effect doesn’t happen if it’s not attached to a Darkness Pokemon.

Metal Energy – Special Energy

Provides 1 [M] Energy.
Damage done by attacks to a Steel Pokemon that this card is attached to is reduced by 10.
This effect doesn’t happen if it’s not attached to a Steel Pokemon.
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